
Showing posts from March, 2018


After my exam, I opened my Facebook out of habit to distract myself from the impending post-exam blues. A few friends tagged me in a news article regarding Harry Styles "indirectly" confirming that he is in fact bisexual. Believe it or not, I am NOT shocked. This is not said out of hurt or bitterness. Bih, I've been a fan since forever and you actually think that at some point I didn't think about this? I remember telling my sister before that I would not be surprised that if one day, he might actually address all these rumors about his sexuality. But until then, it was and will never be an issue. The entire ride home, I kept on thinking of witty ways to reply to all my friends who had expressed their "concern" for me when the news broke out that Harry Styles's new song was about him expressing his "true" sexuality. I feel sad. Not because of what the reason my friends might be thinking but rather--- why would this even matter?! I


Would you believe I was thisclose to booking that flight for the supposed "healing" trip? But the thing is, I only "booked" a ticket for myself. What held me back was my last ounce of sanity left for the day. Do I deserve that trip? Definitely not. I can't wait any longer... if I delay this for another few months I might self combust.