I suddenly feel so sad because I missed Seventeen's concert and The Saem fan sign. This. THIS. T. H. I. S. This . This is precisely the reason why I tried so hard to steer clear of the world of Kpop while being in med school. You see, fan girling in med school is like a double edged sword. Whenever I feel down or stressed because of school, I turn to Kpop for my dose of unadulterated happiness. I get sucked into this blackhole where it's just me and my favorite boys. I get back to the "real world" and it suddenly feels like my problems had melted away. Then here comes all these events--- but since the universe has other plans for me (aka "hates seeing me happy", lol) on the day of these events, I miss it. "This isn't supposed to matter." I keep on telling myself. (But it actually does.) I only wanted to know that cute guy's name. But here I am, a year later and a million videos after, writing this dumb post about missin...